First '09 post

Landon has been such a ham lately. I don't think a day...well come to think of it, even an hour...has gone by that Chris and I haven't laughed at him. He repeats EVERYTHING, which we have learned isn't always something that we should be proud of. He has been really interested in books lately. We've read "The Very Hungry Catepillar" so much, that if we leave a word out, he can say it for us. He has been playing with all of his Christmas toys and his favorites are his tool set and his train set that was his Aunt Conner's when she was young. He loves to use his tool set to fix things around the house. One evening this past weekend, he was fixing our kitchen table. It was so funny to watch him. He gets so focused that he sticks his little tongue essential part of "fixing" things I suppose. He does this anytime he is doing something handy. I got some good pictures of him using the tools. Here are some pictures that I was able to take while he was hard at work.

Another funny story: Landon has a pair of nice shoes that he has had for several months now. He really only would wear them to church. He then started calling them his "church shoes" and that has been their name ever since. Tragically, back in October, during Landon's two year photo shoot, he stepped in some dog poop. Chris and I being the horrible parents we are, hadn't cleaned them off and they had just been sitting in the garage ever since. Since poop stepping event, and every time Landon passed those shoes in the garage, he would say "church shoes...step poop". I kept telling him that I would get them cleaned off. I just never did, until this past weekend. Saturday, we passed the shoes on our way into the house and we hear "church shoes...step poop". I told Landon I promised I would clean them off. Sunday morning, all of us are ready for church, all we need to do is put our shoes on. "Landon, what shoes do you want to wear to church?" Dumb question Jennifer. I hear, "Church shoes go?" I look at Chris and realize I didn't clean them off. Chris goes out to the garage and gets the "church shoes" and cleans them off. Landon pulls his stool up to the sink to watch and make sure they are in good enough shape to wear to church. Chris hands Landon his shoes and you would have thought we handed him a piece of chocolate, he was so thrilled. We leave for church and pull up to realize that it's 9:24 and thinking that was early for us, we are usually late, we see the sign that says 9:00. I knew church started at 9:30 and Chris admitted he was wondering why I was so calm seeing how late we were because he knew church started at 9:00. Anywho, we decided to just wait until second service. Landon was SO disappointed when we told him we messed up and he just didn't understand why we weren't going in to church, but instead we were leaving. We turned around in our seats to see a sad lip and two feet sticking up as he looks at his shoes in disappointment that they weren't going to serve their purpose as church shoes today. He was so sad. We eventually distracted him and tried our best to make him understand that those shoes would be church shoes today if it was the last thing we did. I did get two good pictures of Landon and his precious shoes. Sorry this is so long, but there won't be too many more posts where Landon is my only child and I want to make sure I share as much as I can before time wins and I run out.


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