Not too much going on here, but I thought I would at least try and keep posting once a week or so to make a habit of it. Especially after the baby is here. I am 37 weeks along now which means at least 3 weeks to go. I had my doctor's appointment today and not too much to report. I feel like she has been laying horizontal alot this week so my doctor wanted to check and make sure. This meant that I got a special sneak preview on the ultra-sound machine. It looked like her eyes were open and she was opening and closing her mouth quite a bit. Everything looked great! Her heart, her head, everything. And she is head down, which I was made confident that she should stay that way... I hope. Let's see...the house is officially on the market and we have had two showings...nothing major. There are a couple of concerns for us in selling the house. Two people across the street from us are also trying to sell their house, which could hurt. Also, with the economy the way it is, it seems from researching, that people that are buying houses are really making LOW offers on houses because there are so many foreclosed homes on the market, they can get a bigger house for cheaper because it's in foreclosure. We are already going to be upside down on the house to begin with, we can't afford as low an offer that people seem to be trying to pull off. We shall see. As for Landon, not too much to report there either. He is still practicing words. Monday night, I was reading to him his bedtime books and he picked out a book that wasn't really a story but a picture book with lots of animals in it. We got to a page with a Zebra. He says to me, "actually, Landon ride the Zebra". I asked him," actually?" He said, "yeah". I just kind of blew it off because I thought there is no way he really said "actually". We get to a page with two Polar Bears. I say, "polar bears". Landon says, "actually, two Polar Bears". Okay, really? Could he really be saying actually. At this point I am trying to figure out if Chris and I say it, or how often, or when could I have possibly said it last? We turn the lights out and Landon decides he wants to sleep side-ways and at the end of his bed. He asks me, "mommy, lay here?" I told him that was fine, he could lay where ever he wants. About a minute later he sits up and gets back on his pillow and says, "actually, Landon lay right here." I just laughed and said, "alright, you can actually lay right here...that's fine". I have no idea if he knew what he was saying, but it was pretty cute seeing him try to fit that word into a few sentences. He hasn't said it since so maybe he was just trying it out. I think that's it for now. I am posting just a couple pictures of Landon abd one of myself (pardon my face as it's filling out) Enjoy!