11 months
It's true. Ms. Alexa is 11 months old. That means in just a few short weeks, she will turn 1. She is cruising around ALL of the furniture and is one tough little girl. Not much makes her cry and in regards to pain tolerance, hers is pretty high. At church, the word on the street is, what Alexa wants, Alexa gets and on her own at that. Apparently, when she sees a toy she wants, whether someone else is playing with it or not, she gets it. hmmmm. Now where on earth could she have learned that behavior? I told them she is used to having to defend what she wants seeing that her three year old brother seems to get what he wants within arms reach as well, or thinks it belongs to him rather. The bummer is, the little girls that Alexa seems to steam over when she sees something she wants, are the exact age as she is within a couple days. Not to mention, they too have three year old brothers, so my excuse didn't cut it. We all laughed because we know she clearly doesn't know that sharing is something we do with our friends and it obviously doesn't come naturally to Alexa. We joked and I told them Alexa and I were going to have a "talk" when we get home". Kind of funny because at home, she is so sweet and just a great baby all around. She is one of the "bigger" kids, in size anyway, and she must think that defines all toys as her toys. We shall see. Other than that, I am just trying to plan a party for her and one that is not a Valentines party. Girls = pink parties right? But I DON'T want hearts and cupids. My creative wheels are turning!