landon update...
well, for those of you who don't know already, we are at the hospital with landon. yesterday when he got up from his nap, he had a rash. Thinkng it was a reaction to the antibiotics from the dog bite, I called the doctor and they had me come right in. I mentioned to them on the phone that his eye looked infected a bit. When we got there, they let me know that I was NOT overreacting and that it indeed was infected. She instantly told me that he needed to be taken to the hospital. So...that is where we are. We were admitted last night around 5:30 and we are going to be here for at least two days. The plan is, to have him on I.V. antinbiotics since the ones his doctor prescribed didn't work. The I.V. insertion was HORRIBLE and something I hope we don't have to again while we are here. They had to wrap him in a straight jacket like contraption to ensure he didn't move while they found a vein to poke. The only problem is that they started in his right hand, collapsed a vein, and then asked me which hand he used most. I told them his right. So, after an all our screaming fit from having to take his shoes off, and now having to be tied down completely with five people holding his one arm down, it made for an exhausting ending to our day. After our "fit", Landon has been just perfect. Our sleep last night consisted of Chris (who got back from Georgia around 9:30 lastnight) on the oh-so-comfy hospital chair that pulls out into a bed with his feet hanging off the end, which I of course got a good laugh from. I was in the bed with a teeth grinding, sweaty, snoring, little boy who just so happened to punch me every half hour with his contraption on his left hand covering his I.V. But hey, I am used to getting punched in my sleep because it has happened from Chris before as he often twitches in his sleep and I am the target:) Landon was up probably every hour on his own, so he is going to be pretty sleepy today. The reason he is being so closely monitored is to prevent infection but also to watch for an allergic reaction because he is on an antibiotic that is in the penicillin family which we all know he reacted to pretty severly. So, that is the scoop. I will update when I know more later. There is a possibility that we will be transfered to Riley at some point to see a plastic surgeon if things don't improve here. Please pray that doesn't happen because one: we don't want to have to and two: I have a request from a certain someone about every hour that he wants to "go home". Thanks for all your prayers and concerns. We hope this is all taken care of soon. All we have to say is "darn it lily, we love you but darn it lily".