
I couln't leave Alexa out of the blog as she endeavored on her second year of Pre-K! I'm sure she would deny it if asked, but she just adores Landon and thinks the world of him. She wants to be five like him, she doesn't want to go to MOPS without him, she can't sleep if he's not in the same room with her, and she for sure wants to be in Kindergarten like him. The night before Landon went to Kindergarten, he and I had a "moment" after reading the book. Let me first start by saying, Chris had been gone all weekend, got home Sunday for a bit and then left again Monday for a couple days. It was an emotional roller coaster for us all, so we were a bit on the verge of tears as it was. I close the book we had just read, and Landon straddled my lap facing me and we hugged. I started crying and telling him how proud of him daddy and I are and that we are so excited for him to be in Kindergarten. Landon is very in tune with feelings and emotions and it never fails, whenever he sees me cry, it literally makes him cry. No kidding. So, he leans back and looks at me because he can tell by my voice that I'm crying, looks in my eyes and starts crying. (I think it was because he wasn't sure why I was crying...because of him going to school in the morning or the fact that Chris had left again after just getting home). I tell him I'm "happy crying" and that I'm proud of him and to not cry. Alexa looks at me and realized that both Landon and I are crying and she has no idea why but she bursts out in tears and says, "I...MISS....DADDY!!!" and hugs both Landon and I. We are now in a full group hug and all three crying. Alexa pulls away as I'm still rocking Landon and comforting her and telling her that we all miss daddy and wish he didn't have to leave again, but that's his job on. We've all stopped crying and Landon stands up, we all take a deep breath and ...enter stage right the actress Ms. Alexa. She straddles my lap, just as Landon did and looks in my still wet eyes and directs me as follows... "Mommy, now I'm going to sit on your lap and you rock me like you did Landon" (I do) "Now, you need to cry lots of tears" (She lays her head on my shoulder and then looks at me and realized I'm no longer crying) "MOMMY, I said you need to cry lots of tears" (I smile at her and tell her I can't cry anymore tears) "But mommy, you need to cry and tell me you're proud of me too!" (I do rock and sway her like I did landon and I tell her that I'm very proud of her for staying dry at night and that I can tell she's been working really hard at it) I couldn't help but get lost in that moment and realize I have so many "moments" and videos of Alexa who proves nothing to me other than the fact that I without a doubt will someday be packing her life away and driving her out to Hollywood someday so she may persue the very art of acting or whatever her heart desires. Ms. Pre-K Diva Herself...


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