Alright. I am at the end of my rope. Each night, my head hits the pillow between 10:00 and 11:00 p.m. Oh the feeling of knowing the day has come to an end, my eyes will not stay open. The cool sheets wrap themselves around me, I kiss Chris goodnight, say my prayers, and just as I drift off........"mommy, I need you". " is bedtime get back in your bed!" The last three/four months, this is how my nights have been each and everynight. Not to mention the almost hour that it took to get him to stay in bed at his actual bedtime that we have to at least start by 7:00 p.m. because it just might take an entire hour to get him to sleep. Let me just list to you everything we have tried. (and when I say "tried" i don't mean we tried it once or twice, this is over a two weeks span or more) We have tried a routine, dinner, bath, milk, books, bed. (didn't work) Earlier nap during the day. (didn't work) No nap (doesn't work and makes everyone mi...